Product Description
This 100% white tampico polishing brush is naturally acid resistant. That makes it the ideal choice for polishing marble with any 16 inch marble floor buffer. It works best when buffing marble because of it's 150 pound frame. The additional weight adds more friction and polishing power on the floor, producing a higher shine on your marble floors.
This brush is actually 16" to give it a little extra room and can be used with a 16 inch or 17 inch marble floor buffer. So make sure to order this 16" brush and NOT our 17" tampico brush, if this is what you need.
Return to our full selection of floor scrubbing rotary brushes for other floor cleaning and polishing needs.
Quick Overview
- 14" block fits 16" low speed machines
- Softest fibers for buffing & polishing floors
- Comes with standard style clutch plate
Product Specs
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